


So I suck a lot, but RL and my sadsack immune system (I get sick so easily, ugh) have kept me from updating. Good news is that I’m on my way to getting a co-translator (YEY)! Updates should be on a more dependable schedule once things are settled in stone.

Will post the long-awaited chapter 29 once I get off work tomorrow and finish editing. Next 2 chapters will be plot-building mostly, then you-know-who will be back (and I don’t mean the baldy from Harry Potter).

Thank you all again for being so patient and supportive! It means a lot to me. 🙂


11 thoughts on “Update

  1. Lol, Baldy from Harry Potter.

    Get well soon dear translator! Always looking forward to your updates [yes, I’ve been lurking for a while now] no matter how long it takes. With that said, do take your time to focus on your health first.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. … One’s own immune system truly can be mean, without even mentioning the rest of RL. Stay warm and cozy! Maybe you can try and add a little of grinded ginger and honey into your tea? But for me personally is the last resort, I dislike ginger ><

    I'm glad that you're going to get help for translation, and I'm generally grateful to both of you! ❤

    (hug received <3, fed with some cookies and sent back! : D)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. awww the truth we missed the updates, but I’m glad to hear from you, a hug

    PD:my english is not very good so I apologize for any mistakes :c

    Liked by 1 person

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