Scum Villain: Chapter 30 + news

FINALLY CHAPTER 30 DONE. RIP my sleep because it’s like 10 pages in Word + editing. *cries*

I apologize again for taking so long and for putting everyone on a chapter anticipation rollercoaster — someone told me that my status updates were giving that impression. My status updates are a projection and not a hard and fast deadline, so sorry if I misled anyone. ;-;

Next chapter will be definitely on time. This should give me enough buffer time so every chapter will be on time. *fingers crossed*

My RL and health still not so great but I won’t give up on this story! *raises hoof to sky*

Here’s the chapter and thanks for reading the notes:

Chapter 30

Scum Villain System: Chapter 29


Felt like it was twenty footnotes before I cut it down to 13. Please don’t get scared off by the footnotes, ahhhhh–

Thank you all for being the bestest readers ever and patiently waiting and being supportive. *throws hugs and and a flood of virtual cookies*

Here’s the chapter~

Chapter 29

Update 3

Still trying to shrink my footnotes. I’ve got freaking 15 or so, now to get that down to hopefully something below ten.

Will update either during work today if I can get things done during break or (more likely) after I get off work.


*trundles off to bed after staying up till ~2AM despite 7AM wake-up time*




So I suck a lot, but RL and my sadsack immune system (I get sick so easily, ugh) have kept me from updating. Good news is that I’m on my way to getting a co-translator (YEY)! Updates should be on a more dependable schedule once things are settled in stone.

Will post the long-awaited chapter 29 once I get off work tomorrow and finish editing. Next 2 chapters will be plot-building mostly, then you-know-who will be back (and I don’t mean the baldy from Harry Potter).

Thank you all again for being so patient and supportive! It means a lot to me. 🙂


Status update & poll

So I’m still working on Scum Villain Chapter 29, but I’d like to conduct a poll for something that’s bugging me for a while.

Shizun’s clothes.

I’ve mentioned before that the Chinese word used, qing (éť’) can mean blue or green depending on context. I initially used blue, but now I’m thinking maybe green would be a better fit since the theme of Qing Jing Peak and our Shizun here is bamboo (which is also green).

What do you think? Please let me know!

Poll will be open for a week. Hope I’ll get Ch 29 out before Sunday~
