Scum Villain System: Chapter 9~

Another chapter, yay~

Also, Luen and I went through a final edit for Chapter 1. Please check it out because some facts/footnotes/terms changed.

Chapter 9

Chapter 1 (final edit)

Also, we have FANFICTION~ for this novel now! Might be a teensy bit spoilery though lol.

Thank you, Gav~

33 thoughts on “Scum Villain System: Chapter 9~

  1. It can’t be helped that Liu Qingge feels the way he does, it’s practically incomprehensible to him. But his reaction is still hilarious. Thanks for the new chapter!


    1. Welcome! 🙂

      WordPress gives me a headache lol, I’ve been trying to make the comments section show up for a while. It’s a bloody, ongoing battle I’m currently losing. I might have to use HTML at this rate. Unless you have tips? looks hopeful


      1. LOL. I thought you were just keeping your chapters tidy by disabling comments.

        At the top left corner, click “My Sites” > “Blog Posts” > “Edit” the particular chapter > “More Options” – “Discussion” – Click “Allow comments” > and then make sure you click “Update”

        I prefer to access WP Admin. From, go to the very bottom where “WP Admin” is. You have much more control over your blog here.

        From WP Admin:
        “Posts” > “Quick Edit” > Click “Allow Comments”
        “Posts” > Open up the post you want to edit > Make sure that in “Screen Options” at the very top, “Discussion” is enabled > Go to “Discussion” (should be under the box where you post the body of your post) – click “Allow comments”

        Lemme know if you want images…


      2. I’ve tried that and I prefer WP Admin too. XD

        Think my problem is that I’ve posted the chapters as ‘pages’ rather than ‘posts.’ Comments seem to refuse to show up on ‘pages.’


      3. Oh, right. I forgot that you post the chapters as pages. 😛 It should be the same thing in WP Admin, you should still be able to allow comments through either editing or quick editing the ‘pages’. O: That still doesn’t anyone to make comments? Strange!


      4. Yeah… People can make comments but the comments don’t show up below unless it’s a ‘post.’

        I created a second testing site just now and tried comments on both ‘page’ and ‘post.’ Strangely enough, they actually show up there…

        Either my site’s theme has problems or there’s some kind of bug with the comments section. :/


      5. Hmm. Have you checked your settings? Under “Settings” > “Discussion” > “Allow people to post comments on new articles”. Though, the fact that we can comment on pages makes me assume it’s already enabled, but just checking…


      6. Changed themes, it seems to have done the trick. Can’t seem to get past comments showing though lol, just current ones. Going to have to work on it more…


  2. Oh my god, there’s fanfic. That will tide me over while I wait for updates

    Anyway, thanks for the chapter! Also I really appreciate that you take the time to edit older chapters 🙂 Good luck fixing the comments section, haha.


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