Scum Villain System: Chapter 29


Felt like it was twenty footnotes before I cut it down to 13. Please don’t get scared off by the footnotes, ahhhhh–

Thank you all for being the bestest readers ever and patiently waiting and being supportive. *throws hugs and and a flood of virtual cookies*

Here’s the chapter~

Chapter 29

13 thoughts on “Scum Villain System: Chapter 29

  1. FINALLY YAY!! Thank you so much for updating it, i was so scared u might ve dropped it.
    Please take care of yourself better!!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I really love the interaction between shen and shang hahahaha😂 especially shang bcz he is running away from is dear soon-to-be husband. Can’t wait for the next chapter!! I can’t wait to see Lou Binghe again😍

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you sooooo much. Waiting was vey paintful. But you are here with new chapter and this is most important thing. Thank you for your hard work.

    Liked by 1 person

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